Costs Tab: Work Order

The Costs page displays the costs associated with the work order. When opening the Costs page, work orders in Requested status will default to the Estimates page, while work orders in Issued status will default to the Actuals page.

At the top-left of the screen, the work order reason or procedure is displayed. Directly below the procedure name, the Asset Name / ID is displayed.

Costs are displayed from the following categories:

  • Labor: Costs associated with labor estimated for the work order through a preventive maintenance schedule and/or assigned to complete the work order. During the process of closing out / completing a work order you are given the option of converting estimated or assigned labor costs into actual costs.

  • Parts: Parts used to complete the work order.

  • Other Costs: Other costs associated with the work order, such as the rental of a piece of equipment or travel expenses.

  • Tools: Tools required to complete the work order are displayed on the Estimated Costs page, so that they can be displayed with the other material used. Since tools used and returned rather than purchased, there is no immediate cost. Tools are not reflected on the Actuals page.

The following sections describe the sub-tabs available from the Costs page: